It's been a busy few months in MyExFireCheck.
The responsive website was launched back in quarter one and already a number of high profile clients have signed up and are using the service. It's proving to be very popular as it helps eliminate the headache for business owners to remain compliant.
The initial offering was a responsive website that got clients up and running with the service. The site ran as a PWA (Progressive Web App), which is a kind of half way house between a functional website and a native phone app. It served as a strong proof of concept and on the back of it we developed version 1.0 of the MyEzFirecheck Android app.
The app offers some key functional advantages over the website. First off it can work fully offline. So now if the user is in a wifi black spot on premises the app continues to work and allow them to easily sign off on the fire-check item or report an issue.
Secondly we've introduced the concept of firecheck tagging. Now instead of having to look up a fire check item from a list of presented items, premises can label all their firecheck items with a NFC sticker tag! These tags are physical stickers that the phone can read when it's in close proximity to it. So now all a user has to do is walk up to a fire check sticker and wave the phone in front of it and the phone will automatically locate the device and present it on screen to the user for signoff, radically improving the user experience and reducing the time taken to do full round fire check off trips for the staff.
Also as part of this release the core system has been expanded multiple occurring signoffs throughout a typical day including toilet checks.
More improvements and enhancements are in the plan including the release of an IOS version.
Stay tuned!